Department of Social Work

About the Department

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载于1972年开始开设社会工作课程,并获得了第一个B级学位.A. 1974年获社会工作学士学位,1980年获首个社会工作学士学位. 社会工作系获得社会工作教育委员会的全面认可, the national accrediting body for social work. The program has been accredited since 1983. 毕业生被认为是初级专业社会工作者,有资格从事需要社会工作学士学位的工作. 从DSU毕业的BSW毕业生也有资格获得密西西比州LSW级别的执照.


与大学的使命一致,建立在强大的文科基础上, KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的社会工作学士课程旨在为学生提供研究知识, values, 以及在各种规模的不同系统中进行通才社会工作实践所需的技能. 该计划提供本科和继续专业教育的机会,强调为农村社区服务, the right of self-determination, social and economic justice, ethics, and respect for difference and diversity. Using the person-in-environment perspective, 该计划旨在教育和培养社会工作专业人员,他们寻求防止限制人权的条件(如贫困),并提高所有人的福祉和生活质量, especially the vulnerable and oppressed, 以社会工作专业的核心价值为指导,通过科学探究和服务提供,在本地和全球范围内开展工作.

Programming Goals

The DSU BSW Program will:
通过提供动态的研究信息,为从事各种规模的不同系统的道德和能力的通才社会工作实践的从业人员做好准备, 以能力为基础的课程侧重于专业知识的展示, values, and skills.

  1. 通过提供示范和应用社会工作框架的学习环境,鼓励未来从业人员发展强烈的职业认同和对社会工作专业价值观和道德的承诺.
  2. Prepare social work practitioners who understand, value, 通过强调对文化敏感的谦逊来尊重差异和多样性, empathy, self-determination, kindness, 促进人权和增进全体人民福祉的服务,并力求防止限制这些的条件(如贫困)。.
  3. Promote the importance of understanding the consequences of social, economic, 环境不公正,防止和减轻不公正和压迫, especially with vulnerable populations, 通过宣传和提供以证据为基础的创伤教育和护理.
  4. 通过让教师和学生参与研究和奖学金活动,培养理解和欣赏伦理科学探究和方法论实验的作用和价值的从业者.
  5. Engage students in the assessment, intervention, 以能力为基础的社会工作教育的评估过程,采用各种规模的不同系统,使用创新的模拟和服务学习体验,促进各级的称职护理和福祉.
  6. 通过整合和利用人在环境中的观点,促进健康和精神健康的人的成长和发展, simulative education and self-care models.
  7. 与为个人服务的机构合作伙伴和组织保持足够的实地资源, families, groups, and communities in which real-world competency development can occur.
  8. 通过提供继续教育项目来提高专业知识,促进终身学习的重要性, values, and skills.
  9. Provide resources and leadership by partnering with individuals, families, groups, community agencies and organizations at all levels.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的BSW项目旨在培养具有通才知识的专业社会工作者, values, 以及帮助他们理解社会问题和人类需求的技能,这些技能会导致他们在这些情况下采取不同的干预方式. 该课程旨在教育和培养一名专业的社会工作者, consistent with the values and ethics of the social work profession, 是否能够为人们在与他人和环境的互动中体验到需求时提供直接服务. 通识教育和特殊学位要求提供了广泛的文科基础,强调社会和行为科学,是专业社会工作课程的必要基础. Social work course requirements include a combination of academic classroom, simulative, volunteer, and field experiences.

以文科和人在环境方面的观点为基础, BSW毕业生准备继续他们在社会工作方面的正规教育或从事入门级社会工作实践,因为他们已经证明了对CSWE能力/学习成果的掌握.


Upon completion of the DSU BSW Program, students should have mastered the generalist social work knowledge values, BSW课程中教授的技能,并能够展示以下课程学习目标和CSWE 2015能力:

  1. Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
  2. Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice.
  3.  Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
  4. Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice.
  5. Engage in Policy Practice.
  6. Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
  7. Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
  8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities.
  9. 评估个人、家庭、团体、组织和社区的实践.

Statement on Social Justice

Social, economic, 环境正义对DSU BSW项目很重要,是我们遵守的NASW道德准则的一部分,也是我们展示的CSWE教育政策和认证标准的一部分. We teach it throughout our curriculum, include it in our assignments, volunteer activities, and simulations, and model it through kindness, respect, advocacy, and various activities. All our teaching, research, and service activities seek to promote and advocate for justice for all, especially the poor, vulnerable and oppressed at all levels of social work practice. 每当不公正发生时,我们试着去倾听和学习,然后做出适当的反应.